Sunday, October 26, 2014

This post may be a little all over the place

I had a really difficult time with this one. Mostly because I was in a pretty terrible place for the last couple of weeks and had a difficult time getting any enjoyment out of anything I loved doing.
But things got a little better and yesterday, I took some time for myself. I won't go into detail (mostly out of laziness). But mom said to include the pretzels. There were pretzels. Jalapeno pretzels and they were 500 calories and they were delicious.

I feel better when I get things done. That relaxes me. And I spent three hours getting something done that needed to be done.

5 Obstacles Stopping Me From Doing What I Want With My Altered Book:
1.) Trust. I don't feel like I can trust the people around me that I hold closest and that makes it difficult for me to explore my creative ideas, because I'm scared to share them.
2.) Talent. I worry I might not be good enough. I'm scared to put something down on paper because it's not as good as someone else's.
3.) Disorganized. I spend a lot of time I'd like to be devoting to creativity, worrying about other things. I need to sort out my thoughts so that I can access my creative side without having to trudge through all my family/relationship/work/whatever issues first.
4.) Inspiration. I often feel I lack inspiration which worries me because I feel like I draw a lot of inspiration from other things and I'd like to draw inspiration from myself.
5.) Limits. I limit myself a lot, even if I try not to. I don't write much anymore, I don't draw much anymore. I need to spend more time just being creative any way I can, and stop sitting around staring at the ceiling. Because thinking it is not the same as doing it.

1.) Trust
- What if I entrust something important to me to one of my friends I feel I have trouble trusting?
- What if I give it to that friend permanently?
- What if I do this with several friends?
2.) Talent
- What if I draw a picture every day until the end of the semester?
- What if I take the ones I like the least and redo them when the semester ends?
- What if I take the ones I like the before and afters and put them on my walls?
3.) Disorganized
- What if I get boxes and write how I feel about certain subjects and sort them into boxes?
- What if I used once piece from each box to inspire a creative project?
- What if, in the project, I had to physically use the original piece of writing?
4.) Inspiration
- What if I try drawing with my eyes closed?
- What if I do a series of self portraits with my eyes closed?
- What if I record myself singing and draw the sounds with my eyes closed?
5.) Limits
- What if I spend a week, not allowed to draw out my art and I have to use other ways to be creative?
- What if I had to use an etch-a-sketch for all my visual art?
- What if I recorded the sounds an etch-a-sketch makes and made music with it?

I definitely love the ideas from number 4.

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