Sunday, November 9, 2014

My Identity and You

I decided to take the contour drawing done of me and hand it off to my family members. I thought about why I was here and I thought of two potential reasons. One, I am here because of my parents. They made me. So each of them gets a copy. And my purpose in life is to raise a family. I first came to that conclusions after my siblings were born and I realized that having a happy family of my own was my life goal. So both of my siblings got a copy.
As for who I am, I asked them to take the copy made in class and add to it so that it looked (in their opinion) more like me.
The original:
My Dad's version:
My Mom's version:
My Sister's version:
My Brother's version:
My version:

I thought it was funny how Lincoln and I were the ones that really used the original's parameters the most. It shows me that when I am told that someone sees me a certain way, in my mind that makes it true. It may not exactly be what I think of myself, but I still incorporate those opinions into the way I see myself. Now, though, I try to do so in a positive way.
My family, however, said, "No... That's not right." They drew right over anything they didn't think was correct. My family have strong opinions about who I am that will not be swayed.
Also, my little brother made me look a bit like a ventriloquist dummy, but he let me know the lines on my cheeks are supposed to be blush because I have rosy cheeks. Although I can't really tell, Lincoln let me know I was smiling in his picture. Sophie also has me smiling. I find it interesting that my siblings see me is a smiley, happy person since that's not really how most people think of me. Certainly a lot of people think I'm funny, but not really joyful. But it makes me happy to know my siblings view me that way because I love them very much and have a great time with them.

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