Sunday, November 23, 2014

Relinquishing Control

My fear is: Relinquishing Control
  • Is the fear you identified for this project a fear, phobia, anxiety, or worry? Anxiety
  • In what ways do you notice fear in your life? Headaches, increased heart rate, frequent nervousness and worrying, distant relationships, decreased social activity, nausea
  • What does fear keep you from experiencing? I don't go to parties. I don't allow people to get close to me. I have difficulty relaxing.
  • What is the use of fear in your life? My fear of relinquishing control does help me in some ways. I am a self-starter. I live by the idea that if you want something done right, you do it yourself. I am independent. I plan and make responsible decisions.
  • How does fear affect your life, especially in terms of creativity? I feel like my fear helps me in terms of creative expression. Because of my inability to relax in conventional ways, I blow off steam by making art. Although I tend to be a bit of perfectionist about my work, I think the intense way that I go about creating my artwork is similar to screaming into a pillow or punching a punching bag. Afterwards, I feel much better and I have a work of art I can be proud of.
  • What form does your fear take? I am a control freak. I don't like to take down my walls and let people in. I don't like to show emotions I perceive as weakness (sadness or lovestruck). I don't like to move forward without a plan. I especially dislike it when plans come unhinged. I do everything I can to feel like I have control over my life. I like to get good grades, do well and work hard at my job, create finished art pieces, get christmas/birthday shopping done early, have a clean car/room (which I rarely do but I like to do), make my own food, etc.
  • How does making a creative project about your fear impact how you view it? I'd always known that I was a perfectionist about my artwork and that I used it as a way to blow off steam, but it hadn't occurred to me until I was making my project that I used my art as a way to give myself a feeling of control over my life.

  •  My project is an aluminum foil "cast" of my hand as a fist clenched around a scrapped piece of art. This is a depiction of my fear of relinquishing control. It illustrates how I use art to make myself feel like I have a grip on my life. Throwing away a scrapped piece of art is another way in which I have been taking control (lately) as it is a reflection of the way that I am currently weeding out my life of people that don't deserve to be a part of it.

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